Dairy In The Making...


So, as usual...and there is science to prove it, I do my best work after 11pm.  Yes, you heard me right.  My body must be destine to be a musician that's for sure - lol!!! 

What's been finished tonight is lyrics for song #6 for an upcoming album I'll be releasing when I get into my studio to record this.  (Hopefully that will be in the spring of 2020).  The tune is already playing in my head...I hope I can go to sleep without my OCD creative moment causing me to do a quick recording.  With work full-time and school part-time, writing comes whenever the creative moment needs to come out - and thanks to a good friend who kinda sparked that tonight. This inspirational eclectic work stems from rebuilding my life over the past few years of when life was good and when life, well, required extra sugar for the lemonade that keep pouring in the glass.  

Cheers to everyone for a restful upcoming Sunday!!! 

LAST 6 MONTHS OF LIFE….. (9/25/16) 

While I have been literally non existent in the realm of social medial updates for the past six months, life is happening more now than ever.  I finished up two wonderful classes this spring on ear training for vocal performances and enhance keyboard methods.  In the midst of this, I actually planned out my next two years to wrap up this educational adventure hopefully in 2019.  While I'll be finishing up a degree in music business, I'll have concentration areas on vocal and piano performance - if I don't decided to enroll in more audio production courses to fulfill the tech side of me. 

However, I saw a squirrel...and now I'm contemplating a semester study in Spain at Berklee's traditional campus.  Of course, I'd have to do some crash courses in Spanish...that should be quite easy to pull, right?  That's an adventure yet not defined nor determined.  Anyway, this term I'll be studying and over-analyzing contemporary voice as I'll be practicing on songs such as "Yesterday" and "I Heard It Through The Grapevine"...I don't know yet if I'll loose my mind on that one.  (Yeah, let that one sink for a bit) on the flip side, will be learning about online music marketing and worldwide production channels.  With technology that has enhanced the music industry, it still amazes me that with just a couple of clicks, music can be heard around the world.   

This fall, hopefully I'll have the music hobby room fully back online and relocated finally for the last time at its permanent residency.  Got some original pieces that I'll need to polish up before I post demo samples - hopefully in a more climate controlled room.  Needless to say it has been an adventure planning for my musical adventures.   

So that is all I have to say for today...in hopes of more frequent update later on...as I continue a few musical adventures I have now in the religious sector of music with adult, youth, and children's music teams.   


Ah, well now back into the swing of things for school.  This term the topics range from a refresher in math being more specific to sound waves and frequencies - using skills I haven't seen since last century (really!).  On the flip side, I've jumped into Ear Training for Live Performances Level ll.  Yep, has that ever been a leap for mankind here!!  While most of these will have songs with a spiritual twist that have helped me walk through some challenging times over the past few years.  Being the music lover that I am, I carry the mindset that a good song is a good song no matter who wrote it or performed it.   


Wow, I didn't realize it has been a month since I've updated everyone on my musical journey.  And trust me, it has been a journey!!!  Over the past few weeks, school has had me busy planning audio and lighting for a mockup venue.  Interesting to say how much money I could spend with no budget (lol!).  Then again, audio and lighting equipment isn't cheap - that's for sure. For the music theory class, things are coming along well.  Memory from music theory 20 years ago is coming back well.   

It's been a busy month singing with my new startup project  In the midst of everything, we have Christmas!  Yes, the holiday season that has come upon us quicker than ever.  Last few weeks has been prep time for the holiday concerts that have come upon me.  This weekend, I had the opportunity to be a part of pre-show entertainment for the Nutcracker "Sweet" with the PFCC on Friday.   

My final destiny this weekend, Sunday afternoon the community chorus provided our annual holiday concert.  Wonderful time singing with friends and extended family members - including a last minute quartet special with one of my cousin's.  Always nice to sing with family.  Was also provided the opportunity to do vocal/instrumental solo and also synthesizer sounds.  it was such a wonderful event as I look forward to next year.   

So now to rest up and get caught up on everything else.  

Have a wonderful week!!! 



It's week four...where has this semester gone?  So the journey this term has me fishing for a lot..almost literally.  Finale 2014 and I are slowly becoming the best of friends.  Somewhere, the homework assignments will have to move beyond the basics as I work to midi interface the mega keyboard to begin music composition.  The fun part, playing back the same thing twice...I'm just as bad as Jerry Garcia as I never play the same song twice the same way.  Close, but not exact.  The Inner Harmony got off to a rocky start considering it has been 20+ years since I've seen some of the theory.  Now we're becoming friends.   

For venue management, it's a whole different world of fun.  Interesting what goes into the business model of a music hall, pub, club from the selection of food, drinks, presentation of flatware, decor, how guest will be greeted/treated, and what music will be played.  Reading Taffer's Bar Rescue book has truly provided more marketing insights to enhance my already customer experience model mind set.  I was a little shocked to see him borrow a quote from my Masters HRD program guru Peter Drucker "The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well that the product or service fits him and sells itself."  I'm excited to interview a local Irish Music venue this weekend.  Who knows where my world of business admin (accounting), organizational/human development, worship arts, and this music business program will take me next.   

Now it's time to rest...as the home studio lab just got relocated today to a better spot at home.  I can't wait to get things reorganized and start my mid-night jams (or rather known as my best thinking moments).  Of course this will be after I teach my parents how to text...now my world (and anyone else's) will never be the same again.   

GEARING UP FOR ROUND 2!! (8/23/15) 

In just 5 more weeks, round two for school.  Will be joining up soon again with the community chorus and many other musical projects.  Yep, this fall term subject matter will be vocal harmony (not that I need a vocal workout or anything) and concert venue management.  Well, time to call it an early evening as I figure out what I'm supposed to be doing this week...is it Monday already? 


Wow, one complete year is now under my belt for the Music Business degree.  It's hard to imagine last summer when I got the breaking news to start this journey.  It has been amazing all the people that I have met online through class ranging from those who have decided to retire and spend time doing something they love or have decided to make a much needed change in their personal lives.  For me, I know now that I can never attend a concert the same way without figuring out how many stage hands it took to get the lights up or what type of riggers used to hang the audio speakers while thinking about contracts and accounting methods used.  Amazing how technology has changed everything in music from the way it is recorded, duplicated, distributed, and marketed.  Probably one of the very last remaining industries that has gone so many years being profitable to having to reinvent itself again.  It is a good time to get in on the grass roots reinvention time that's for sure.   

This summer, the brain is truly taking a break, however, that is the only thing on break.  Still working on a couple of side music projects.  It's going to be good to return to classes this fall and concentrate only on two subject matters, unlike doing three or more last year.  In August, the creative juices will flow again in hopes to cranking out a few new music tunes.  While working with the public in my day job, you never know what's going to come out of my brain into a song.  Will have to see what happens.   

Well friends until the next blogging entry (hopefully in a couple of weeks), have fun, be safe, and watch out for the big bright light in the sky.  I heard it can burn pretty badly at times!   


Wow, I look at the calendar....another month has gone by.  I didn't realize I was that offline for that long in blog posting.  I will have to say although school has been intense the last few weeks, I'm excited for the 12 week break I get!!  A lot has happened the past few weeks.  School has shown me what truly goes in to account of putting on a full fledge concert, especially when I went to analyze things at the Bijou (a medium size local concert hall) to see Chris Stapleton perform.  I think back as a kid, I wondered how I survived being on the road every weekend, then I think about these guys on the road all the time.   

Moving forward, I'm learning more everyday of the turpsy turby changes that's taking place in the music industry.  It seems to be one of the last markets to be heavily infiltrated with the use of technology now at every artist/musician's finger tips.  The big boys are no longer becoming the big boys with so many DIY tools that are available.  With the right resources and talents, the market is open for anyone to step up and take a successful go with things.   

Well off to more rehearsal time as I gear up for 3 more performances with the Summer 2015 Season of the PFCC, rolling into more music in the religious realm, and then helping out a friend to put on a fall concert music event.  (Now remind me who said I had any down time? Haha).  I hope to do some more writing and work on my own music distribution channels. 

Until next week, go out and have fun and brighten up someone's day!! 

SOCIAL BREAK!! (5/30/15) 

This week has called for a little social break that landed me being out till 2am in the morning doing karaoke with friends Thursday of this week.   

I step back and look at how time flies over the last 10 months being in school again.  All energized and refresh now, I sit here tonight figuring out what will be on the set list for the spot I have at one of my musical family reunions tomorrow, improvisational and accapella.  During my windshield time this week, I reflect back to my father's side of the family past-time has been spent doing music.  That makes for an interesting life sometimes.   

More importantly, I think more about school assignments this week as we covered how YouTube is changing the music market even more.  While there are huge arguments and debates about royalties and rights, it has become a world wide audition medium for creative artist.  For anyone in isolation, it is a great connection to the outside world.  More importantly, artists are now reassessing sponsorships for tours, etc.  With the cost of equipment and travel, one has to look outside their own surroundings for additional funding as they build their brand.   

Well, I know what I'll be doing on summer break...I hear a faint voice from a studio calling my name... 

Have an awesome weekend and be safe...until next week! 


Have you just had those weeks where every intention becomes derailed with other urgent and necessary items?  That would be the story of last week.  So now on to this week as I catch up from last week.  It's been a quite and peaceful Memorial Day weekend.  A time to reflect on the price of freedom.  For this time, I can't help but think of Newton's third Law of Motion - "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction."  We don't always realize there is some price that has to be paid somewhere (sacrifice, loss, etc.) to balance out what is happening in the universe around us.   

While I think of America's freedom that at times I feel we take for granted, I also think about the music industry. This week, our discussion has been centered on two things; merchandising for tours and free music.  With my day job, there are no surprises for merchandising this week other than does the items and pricing match to your audience.  Free music, now that is another question.  There is still much hype about the access of free music from time to time and the potential damaging effects to artist.  I have learned over time, we only allow things to damage us if we want.  Has it been that artist feels like they have become a victim of the changes in the industry based upon technology advances, or have we all learned to embrace them and move forward.  From an analytical perspective, the market has become heavily saturated now with the emerging technological trends of the ability to record and produce your own music out of one's home.  Those who have long enjoyed the comforts of a "cash cow" are seeing the water holes dry up.  With those who are freaking out on this, I ask another question.  What is the soul purpose of an artist?  Is it to create and manufacture widgets or to provide an experience for the people (and for the people to understand the cost involved in creating that experience)?   I believe that is something that every artist needs to sit back and assess as we find our originality in art again and become creative vs. mass produced art for sale.   


Many people are probably wondering just what career shift will I take next.  August 3, 2013, after my 38th birthday, my life took a spin that hasn’t stopped spinning.  Five months of almost weekly doctor’s visits, still no medical team could speak to what was happening inside and/or outside.  From migraines to skin discoloration, the symptoms continue to explode inside.  I was approaching the completing steps on the capstone project for my Masters in Human Performance Improvement.  From a bleeding heart inside with no answers, everyday consisted of getting up and going through the emotions.   

As the plane was set to auto-pilot, much of my life flashed before my eyes.  Still no understanding of why, where, or how this could happen to me.  All I could think on was the life being taken away from me.  A life challenged by the easiest of logistics when no gluten, dairy, or beef could be consumed.  Wondering each day would life go on, or would a corner to its end be at the next bend in the road.  It is really funny when going through such a life challenge experience, there are a few things that keeps going through your mind that you hope don’t go away.  For me, that became music.  From another throat surgery two years before this, my thoughts were now, could this still happen?  Listening this time to my inner voice, it’s been my faith and not giving up hope that I am back doing one of the many things that I love.   

When going through the challenges and trails life throws at us, from my days involved in theater,  there is one thing that Shakespeare has quoted and still remains true.  “To thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man.”  While fears and insecurities may drive our emotions, we have to keep spinning onward sometimes.   Allowing fate to piece together life the way it was supposed to be - when we don’t listen.  


What a week this has been.  The south is a beautiful place to live from the April showers to May flowers.  However, if you have allergies, that's a different conversation for a later time (lol)!  School this week has provided a review of budgets for touring.  Interesting how artist sometimes think they are getting something free, in return, there is an expense line for the charge.  I now see concerts in a totally different light as I switch over to the analytical side where I now see concerts and touring much different.  As I always say, everything will have a cost...some times you will pay upfront, others, you will pay in future years to come.   

Speaking of that, it amazes me that over the past 2-4 years how music distribution channels have changed.  Physical copies, while still in demand, are being shrieked slowly from retailers shelves and being replaced by the virtual download and streaming world.  Yeah, I'm guilty too of taking advantage of the new digital age as I streamed NEEDTOBREATHE's latest release as I was zipping to their concert this week.  Talk about an experience, it's been a while since I've seen that much excitement on a music stage.  Of course, there was a school assignment behind this, I didn't mind it.   

Speaking of switching minds, the extreme right brain of creativity kicked in.  This week, my plan was to work on a newly written song.  However, with Mother Nature's double whammy of seasonal allergies and underlying peanut allergy, I'm excited to say the new release will be coming out later next week.  I'm excited as this will be the first solo release of a song on guitar.  Stay tune for more. 

After bringing some of the family over to celebrate Mother's Day with mom, it's time to rest up as I prep music for Sunday morning.  The sporadic dinner I have to say was pulled off well.  Then again, I'm known for pulling it all together for the last minute.  Don't forget to call and spend some time with your mom.   

Have a safe and happy weekend.  Until next time, have a blessed weekend!! 


This week, it's all about recovery and refocus.  Tuesday, completed my music demo product and on it's way to happy listening ears.  While school was placed on a small pause, I am not back to refocus on new marketing needs with the changes in the music industry this week in addition to contracts (and contract management).  On the flip side, I am exploring more learning opportunities in reference to songwriting...even to the level of a signature track program in modern musicianship.  While I personally believe that all music is a form of art, some art forms pay the bills better than others.  Now my friends are probably like your friends, a great debate how well they like modern/pop music.  There is a lot that can be built upon and learned from the good oldies.  While some messages may never change, the application to what is happening in the world around us is different.  The big question of the day: what music really resonates and connects with what's happening in your life?  Music, its all about the expressed message...or is it?   

THE CRAZY RIDE… (4/23/15) 

Wow, hard to believe we're over hump day already this week.  It's been exciting on the music scene as I'm working on the final demo cut for a friend to send to Nashville for a song written a few years back.  I would have to say it has taken me a bit to get back into the swing of things on the guitar, but excited to be playing it again.  PFCC rehearsals coming along well as I'm thankful my upper high range is coming back post surgery few years back.  While I have been through a lot, I've been blessed on the journey of recovery (as I long as I remember to avoid dairy and gluten).  This past week was the return of 2 services at my place of worship.  It's always a pleasure to  have the opportunity to creatively play for both worship services. 

This week's learning topics for school, digital press kits and more on music publishing (couldn't come at a more perfect time).  Stopping to take a break this week to tend to family matters places a small burden on my schedule, but hey, dad's worth it.  Spending time this week caused me to pause and think how dad got us all involved in music as a family.  Interesting all the songs we've pulled off together over the years.  This week also begins my online course with Pat Pattison on song writing...with a little schedule delay this week, time to get caught up!  Finish the week well and make it an awesome weekend!! 


This week kicks off the full swing of PFCC Choir Rehearsals this year.  Yep this is going to be a vocal workout that's for sure.  In the mean time, I'm wrapping up recording melody/tune to lyrics a good friend of mine Mr. Bill wrote several years back.  The great debate, piano or guitar?  It will be my second song to go to Nashville in May to preview to the producers he's in contact.  While last week's studies was on what major labels exist in next few years?  When will CD/DVDs die?  All I can say is… 

MISS WRITING… (4/10/15) 

It's been very odd this week coming in and not having to write 100-300 word paragraphs of creative rhythm and rhymes.  Wow, what do I do now - haha?  Actually, my week has been quite busy as I was able to catch up with a good friend this week who was performing with the Knoxville Chorale Society.  This week also began the first rehearsal for PFCC spring/summer concert series "Freedom".  It's going to be an awesome arrangement although I do have my work cut out for me on counter tenor (whew!).   

I have been reading more about music trends and the impact technology has on labels and distribution channels.  Wow, it is amazing how things have changed over the past 5-10 years.  For concert touring, who knows.  The loneliness for writing will not be absent in my life for to long.  Somehow, I was talked into taking a non-credit abbreviated class on songwriting.  (Well, they didn't have to twist my arm too hard).  Class will be with Pat Patterson via Coursera.  Can't wait until we review and explore some of the top hits across multiple genres of rock, pop, and country.  Now to figure out my final for concert touring, attending a concert in a 2,000+ venue by or before June 30th...any takers?   

THE NEXT DRIVE… (4/6/15) 

Wow...12 weeks of intensive creative writing has gone by extremely fast this semester.  One more final project, 800-1,000 words about something creative regarding earthquakes.  While I've only experienced small trimmers around here, I've been through enough personally that would blow up the richter scale.  This has prompted me though to advance further in the next series of song writing classes with school (as soon as i find the lost link again).   

As the last few months have focused on music teams, marketing, and legal music matters, this next semester will take a completely different spin towards a topic related to music trends / strategies and concert touring.  Even five years ago when I began to take this hobby serious, things have make drastic turns with major technological shifts and power struggles among the musical "powers to be".  In the next decade, it will be interesting in who really ends up owning which portion of the musical industry pie.  Speaking of that, I'm signing off and finding a snack!   


After midnight, why am I not surprised.  Yes, most of my greatest work is completed then in the quietness and stillness of the night.  For tonight, this journey will be going on pause for a few moments.  It's a journey that has taken many many years of prep work to begin the adventure.  Excitement is on the way!!

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